Corporate Massage
There is an ever-growing focus and understanding of the importance of staff wellbeing, both for the quality of life of your employees and for the general productivity of the workplace. With my corporate massage hire service I can come into your workplace in Wymondham or Norwich for a few hours to a full day and carry out massages on your staff.
Indian Head Message is the core modality I use for this service and massages can be carried out at a low backed chair, over clothing with no need for oil, so there is no need for a large space to be cleared, and the service can be carried out at staff desks if required. However if you have a bit more space and want a regular massage therapist day slot I can bring the massage table to offer Swedish Massage.
With a regular visitation contract all of your staff would be offered reduced massage therapy services at our therapy room here in Wymondham which you can present as a cost free staff perk.
This service is currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions, but please do get in touch to be the first to know when it returns!
Staff Wellbeing
As an employer it is becoming increasingly important to ramp up the breadth and quality of mental health and wellbeing support offered to your staff. Arranging for a regular visit from a massage therapist will show a clear message that you consider the mental health & wellbeing of your staff to be important.
Have you had a chance to read the Mental Health at Work Report - 2018 as featured in the Spring ‘18 publication Edge for the Institute of Leadership & Management?
Benefits to Productivity
Recognising the good work of your staff increases morale & staff wellbeing, what better way to do that than by rewarding them with a massage? By lowering the stress and tension felt by your staff with just 15 minutes of massage, you will notice a meaningful increase in productivity & efficiency of your team, with their decreased mental fatigue and enhanced sense of a positive attitude to the workplace. So that 15 minutes your staff members spend away from their desk could more than be made up for in the increased work output it creates.
Staff Incentives
Rather than using your recreational budget for your team to arrange a night out which a number of your staff won’t be able to attend (for instance because of childcare) or comfortable attending (did you know an increasing number of people are choosing to go alcohol free but venues within the on-trade are slow to catch up on this trend despite the evidence?) , why not arrange for us to come in during the workday and take 15 minutes with each member of the team to provide a massage?